足球小将国语版吉吉,"上海珍舒公司是国内外高酒店纺织品的主要提供商和生产商。主要产品有酒店用毛巾系列产品、浴袍、床单、被套、枕套、被子、枕芯、床裙、床尾垫、浴帘等客房用纺织品和台布、口布等餐饮用纺织品。 产品常年销往日本、美国、新加坡、香港等国家和地区。喜来登、香格里拉DAYS INN等国际连锁酒店集团常年在我厂订购纺织品。 企业未来发展战略将立足行业,坚持以人为本的创新经营理念,联合行业内优良资源,共铸产业新辉煌。 Janshu Hotelbedding Co.Ltdlocated in Shanghai City is a manufacturer of and hotel textiles.Hotel textiles are designed for hotels in style and character. As an independent company we have the most advanced manufacturing techniques and technology including computer controlled quilting and embroidery machines high speed serving machines automatic machines and other down filling and finishing machinery. We believe in providing our customers with High Quality Quick Friendly Service. We ar..,化要求,以市场为导。

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